Day of Non-violence
Sitio en reestructuración.
and Peace
DENIP: Working to promote a Culture
and an independent, free and voluntary
Education for Non-violence and Peace
from 1964

Mirador del DENIP
1. The "School Day of Non-violence and Peace" (DENIP),
founded in 1964 and also known as World or International Day of Non-violence and
Peace, is a pioneering, non-state, non-governmental, non-official, independent,
free and voluntary initiative of Non-violent and Pacifying Education, which is
now practised in schools all over the world and in which centres of education,
teachers and students of all levels and from all countries are invited to take
2. It advocates a permanent education in and for harmony,
tolerance, solidarity, respect for human rights, non-violence and peace.
3. It is observed on January 30 or thereabouts every year, on
the anniversary of the death of Mahatma Gandhi. In countries with a Southern
Hemisphere school calendar, it can be observed on March 30 or thereabouts.
4. Its basic message is: "Universal Love, Non-violence
and Peace. Universal Love is better than egoism, Non-violence is better than
violence, amd Peace is better than war".
5. The method of teaching this activity of education in values
should be one of experiences and it can be freely applied in each centre of
education according to its own teaching style.
6. Friends of DENIP are those persons who, by accepting the
spiritual, individual and social supremacy of universal love, non-violence,
tolerance, solidarity, respect for human rights and peace above their opposites,
advocate the diffusion of the principles which inspired the day.
Llorenç Vidal
Founder of DENP in 1964
English translation by the "Majorca Daily Bulletin"
Día Escolar de la No-violencia y la Paz |
School Day of Non-violence and Peace |
Journée Scolaire de la Non-violence et de la Paix
1965: II DENIP,
Etc. |
* * * |
2013: 50 DENIP |
2014: 51 DENIP |
2015: 52 DENIP |
2016: 53 DENIP |
2017: 54 DENIP |
2018: 55 DENIP |
2019: 56 DENIP |
2020: 57 DENIP |
2021: 58 DENIP |
2022: 59 DENIP |
2023: 60 DENIP |
& Etc.
Ésta es la
verdadera cronología del DENIP |
Annex 1
School Day of Non-violence
and Peace
The "School Day of Non-violence and
Peace" is held on January 30 every year, on the anniversary of the martyrdom in
1948 of Mahatma Gandhi, the great apostle of non-violence.
It will be celebrated, as always, in
Majorca. The intiative for this "School Day of Non-violence and Peace"
originated in Spain.
In Majorca, it was Llorenç Vidal in
1964 who founded the School Day. He now lives in Cádiz. He was influenced by
Lanza del Vasto, a direct disciple of Gandhi. Del Vasto visited Majorca about
15 years ago, and his book "Le Retour aux Origines" ("Return to the Sources"),
had an inmediate influence.
The basic message of the "School Day
of Non-violence and Peace" states: "Universal Love, Non-violence and Peace.
Universal Love is better than egoism. Non-violence is better than violence.
Peace is better than war". Non-violence is the attitude of renouncing killing and
inflicting pain on all breings in thought, word and action.
The "School Day of Non-violence and
Peace" is a non-governmental, international and pioneering initiative of
Pacificatory Education in which educational centres of all standards and of all
the countries are invited to participate.
It is a practical activity which has
neither official programming nor structural lines of action, because the message
is one which maintains a permanent nucleus of basic aspects, and permits the
free application of each educational centre according to its particular manner.
Professor Eulogio Díaz del Corral has
written: "The 'School Day of Non-violence and Peace' was founded in Spain in
1964, when neither in Spain nor abroad did a similar initiative exist. It was
maintained through hell and high water in very difficult circumstances, and it is
considered the most important pioneering experience of Pacificatory Education of
our time, as well as a dynamic nocleus of its promotion at a national and
international level".
The "School Day of Non-violence and
Peace" is a seed which is planted and cultivated in the hearts of the students.
It is a bright, new and positive way of looking at the word and preparing for
the future.
Harold J. Greenberg
(Majorca Daily Bulletin, Palma de
Mallorca, January, 18, 1990)

Annex 2
School & Everyday Life
life of the people and, perhaps, the progress or the extinction of
our civization depends on peace". |
Maria Montessori
your children in brotherhood and in peace and keep them away from the
tenebrous paths of hate and violence".
Truth is One, but its forms are infinite and its names ara innumerable. Look
for your inner Light and follow it to the end, because in this inner Light
you will find your personal form of the Only, Infinite and Eternal Truth".
From Petit llibre d'un solitari / Pequeño libro de un solitario
(The Small Book of a Solitary Man)
a consequence of the thought and actions of some great educators of
modern times, Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, Maria Montessori,
Paulus Geheeb, Pierre Bovet, Martin Luther King, John XXIII, etc., a new
course in the pluralist view of world pedagogy has been emerging:
Non-violent and Pacifying Education. It is not -as some could
think due to the presently dominating methodology- from a purely
didactic direction, but rather it rises with some aspirations and a
projection which are much greater, since that -as a consequence of
its historic period in which it has been conceived- the Non-violence
and Peace Pedagogy presents itself to us "like an ideal inspiration
that aspires to shape all of humanity's educational duties and that, in
its theoretical aspect, is integrated into General Pedagogy as a
fundamental chapter of the same and in close relationship and
interdependence with religious, moral and social education" (*).
* *
of the main practical exponents of this educational tendency is "School
Day of Non-violence and Peace" (DENIP), founded in 1964 as a
pioneer in the non-violent and pacifying educational iniciative.
* *
the "School Day of Non-violence and Peace" is celebrated on a
especific date (January 30th or around that date), its message must
endure every day. It must shape all of our education and must guide all
of our lives through our thoughts, our desires, our words and our
actions, because the message of the "School Day of Non-violence and
Peace", freely assumed according to the personal style of life of
each person, can be a means for freeing man from the selfish slavery (environmental,
corporal and mental) and a path for one's progressive self-realization
in an outlook of universal brotherhood. For this reason, the message of
the "School Day of Non-violence and Peace" is a simple one
that must reach all educational centers throughout the world.
* *
Rumanian writer Eugen Relgis, in his book "Páginas de mi
calendario" ("Pages of my calendar") considers the "School
Day of Non-violence and Peace" as "a glimmering hopeful
freeing light in a cloudy skai". The universal Italian Lanza del
Vasto, a follower of Gandhi, said in an interview: "So be it in all
your schools. Establish a day dedicated to non-violence". Dr. Franz
Rauhut, Professor of Romanic Philology in the University of Würzburg (Germany),
in an article published in the magazine "Pacifistische Rundschau"
affirms that the "School Day of Non-violence and Peace" must
be made a custom in all schools throughout the world". And a
Professor Eulogio Díaz del Corral (Mallorca), in his article titled
"El Día Escolar de la No-violencia y la Paz no ha terminado"
("The School Day of Non-violence and Peace has not ended"),
published in "Ponent", adds that we have to try to have its
message "like an objective tendency during the entire school year".
* *
it han been said in the final conclussion of the "Fundamentación
de una Pedagogía de la No-violencia y la Paz" ("Bassis of a
Pedagogy of Non-violence and Peace"): "The pedagogy of non-violence
and peace -that in regards to general principle goes beyond the
reach of all the concrete pedagogical systems that up until now have
been inspired by it- can be a fundamental educational factor in our time
on which hatred, violence and wars between men and between peoples are
eliminated -or avoiding the temptation of a utopia- reducing
them to a minimum so that every day, more and more brotherhood, non-violenceand
peace prevail. To deprive students of this or invoking an attitude of
pacifist or pedagogical skepticism or in the name of any theory more or
less aggressive, nationalistic or imperialistic is a deception to the
present and coming living together of humanity" (*)
* *
planting of the seed is in our hands, we the educators... It is in God's
hands to make it grow...
Llorenç Vidal
the brochure"The 'School Day of Non-violence and Peace' as a
practical actvity of Pacifying Education", DENIP -Quaderns
literaris "Ponent", Palma de Mallorca, 1978).
Quotations: |
Vidal: "Petit llibre d'un solitari" / "Pequeño libro de
un solitario" ("Small Book of a Solitary Man") and "Fundamentación
de una Pedagogía de la No-violencia y la Paz" ("Bassis of a
Pedagogy of Non-violence and Peace").

Annex 3
Fundamentos teóricos del |
"Día Escolar de la No-violencia y la Paz" (DENIP)
School Day of Non-violence and Peace (Dia Escolar de la
No-violencia y la Paz, or DENIP), which is
observed on January 30, the anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi's
martyrdom (in the countries following the southern
hemisphere's calendars, it is observed on or about March
30), was founded in 1964. It is one of the most important
experiences of our times in non-violent and pacifying
education and a core event that has inspired and served as
origin to the majority of today's initiatives in education
in and for non-violence and peace.
The basic
theories behind DENIP come from the philosophy and
practice of non-violence (which is understood as forbearance
to kill and hurt other living beings by thought, word and
action, as respect for life and as identification with all
living things), in the idea of positive peace and
comprehensive non-violent pacifism, in the concept of
universal love and in an original conception of pedagogy and
education in and for non-violence and peace, which is
implemented through three basic objectives (awareness-raising,
exercising and making the pupil feel his or her
responsibility) and a diversified sheaf of teaching
procedures that can be divided into seven orders.
Dr. Franz
Rauhut, professor at the University of Würzburg, wrote,
"DENIP should be made a custom in all schools
throughout the world".
The article
is followed by an appendix, Basic Orientations for the
School Day of Non-violence and Peace, which is conceived
as the germ, starting point and point of support for
non-violent, pacifying education of a universal, independent,
open, deep and ongoing nature.
(Educación XXI, revista de
la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad
Nacional de Educación a Distancia,
Madrid, núm. 6)
* * *
Annex 4
Today, God, You called
at my door. |
I opened. Is it You? |
You appear as an
Indochinese child... |
wounded by bombs, |
with your slight,
fearful face |
hunger gripping your
I doubted for a
You transformed, |
becoming a black
child, |
naked, |
emaciated, |
hungry and |
thirsty for water and
In a flash, You turn
into a nearby child, |
with a soft look, |
sparkling face, |
combed, |
satisfied, |
with school on the
corner, |
well dressed, |
with breakfast and
vitamins always in easy reach.
Today, God, You called
at my door. |
I oppened. Is it You? |
You appear as a child
of the world, |
by bombs, |
with your slight,
fearful face |
hunger gripping your
Llorenç Vidal
Translated by John
Solt, California. Majorca Daily Bulletin, Palma de
Mallorca, 30-31 January, 1983)
* * *
Dibujos de esta página web
originales del pintor Eulogio Díaz del Corral
* * *
* * *
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